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Weider, Ellen
Born 1953. Ellen is an American artist and printmaker. Her works are in the collections the Library of Congress, the Georgetown University Library Art Collection, the New York Public Library Print Collection, and the Rutgers Print Study Archive at the Zimmerili Art Museum. Kathy started collaborating with Ellen as her master printer in 1995.
Growth Spurt, 2017Drypoint I: 12" x 12" P: 19" x 19" | Pandora I, 2017Drypoint I: 12" x 12" P: 19" x 19" | Tossed, 2017Drypoint I: 12" x 12" P: 19" x 19" |
Seven Days in Paris, 2016Drypoint I: 13" x 12" P: 27.75" x 22.5" | No Title (97U on verso), 1997Drypoint I: 8" diameter P: 15" x 11" | No Title (97L on verso), 1997Drypoint I: 8" diameter P: 15" x 11" |
No Title (98D on verso), 1998Drypoint I: 6" x 6" P: 15" x 11" | No Title (Diamond Over Circle), 1995Drypoint I: 8" x 3.75" P: 15" x 11" | No Title (94A tree on verso), 1995Drypoint I: Bleed P: 15" x 11" |
No Title (98E on verso), 1998Drypoint I: 6" x 6" P: 15" x 11" | No Title (98H on verso), 1998Drypoint I: 6" x 6" P: 15" x 11" |
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