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Below you see samples of lithography prints in the collection. For complete works of a particular artist access the artist page in browse by artist. Click on the image and then arrows to see pieces as slide show.
Geranium, 1973Janice Lobe Lithograph I: 20” x 9.5” P: 21.75” x 9.5” | ICON, 2005Ann Chernow Lithograph with etching I: 9.5” x 7” P: 15” x 11” | Eclipse, 1990Fiona Foley Lithograph I: 15.5” x 11.75” P: 25” x 19.5” |
Capella, 1993Donald Farnsworth Lithograph with with metalic leaf and hand coloring I: 29.5” x 20” P: Bleed | You and me and you and IV, 2012Kyung Eng You Stone lithograph I: 12” x 7.5” P: 15” x 11.5” | You and me and you and III, 2012Kyung Eng You Stone lithograph I: 12” x 7.5” P: 15” x 11.5” |
No Title (diptych B), 1989La Brie Lithograph I: 18” x 26” P: 22” x 30” | No Title (diptych A), 1989La Brie Lithograph I: 18” x 26” P: 22” x 30” | No Title, 2009Samantha Beste Stone lithograph I: 13” x 6.75” P: 15.25” x 11.5” |
"29 April 2008", 2010Civan Ozkanoglu Paper lithograph I: 38.5" x 25.5" P: Bleed | Vijay Undoing, 2014Ruth Moscovitch Paper lithograph with chine collé I: 8" x 12.25" P: 11" x 15" | Sacrificial Bull 2, 2016Lynn Newcomb Lithograph I: 22.5" x 30" P: Bleed |
Sacrificial Bull, 2016Lynn Newcomb Lithograph I: 22.5” x 30" P: 27”' x 38.75" | No Title, 1984Daniel Kelly Lithograph with Chine Collé I: Bleed P: 29.75" x 24" | No Title, 1984Daniel Kelly Lithograph with Chine Collé I: Bleed P: 29" x 24" |
Lousaide, 1987Richard Brady Lithograph I: 19" x 27 P: 22" x 30" | No Title, 1984Daniel Hauben Lithograph I: 13: x 20" P: 18.5" x 25" | Ohio Morning, 1978Robert Kipniss Lithograph I: 9" x 10" P: 13" x 14" |
The Mermaid, 2013Heather Bryant Stone lithograph I: Bleed P: 12" x 12" | Señoritas Wardrobe, 2007Heather Bryant Stone lithograph I: 10.5" x 15" P: 15" x 19" | The Global Warming Machine, 2008Heather Bryant Stone lithograph I: Bleed P: 17" x 11" |
Totem, 2009Heather Bryant Folded Stone lithograph I: 19.75" x 7.75" P: Bleed | Totem, 2009Heather Bryant Unfolded Stone lithograph I: 19.75" x 7.75" P: Bleed | The Ressurection, 2004Heather Bryant Stone Lithography I: 14" x 16" P: 17" x 19" |
Alice's Table, 2013Heather Bryant Stone lithograph I: 17.25" x 12.75" P: 22" x 15" | "One Night", 1987B. Licher Lithograph I: 15" x 20" P: 19.5" x 26" | No Title, 2000Jane Freilicher Lithograph I: 18" diameter P: Bleed |
Lower Broadway III, 1977Hugh Kepets Lithograph with silkscreen I: 23.75" x 17.75" P: 30" x 22.25" | 1889 VDR II, 1983Hugh Kepets Lithograph with silkscreen I: 16" x 22" P: 22.5" x 30" | 41 C.P.W, 1980Hugh Kepets Lithograph with silkscreen I: 25" x 18" P: 29" x 22" |
Demitasse, 1979Hugh Kepets Lithograph with silkscreen I: 18" x 25" P: 22" x 29" | Lower Broadway II, 1977Hugh Kepets Lithograph with silkscreen I: 23.75" x 17.75" P: 30" x 22.25" | A Clear Day, 1977Leslie Meyers Lithograph, chine collé I: Bleed P: 27.75" x 21" |
This Coupon Good For, 1982Leslie Meyers Lithograph I: Bleed P: 22.25" x 30" | Invocation, 1982Leslie Meyers Lithograph I: Bleed P: 22.5" x 30" | The Night Wedding, 1993Bill Hosterman Lithograph I: 24" x 17" P: 26.5" x 19.25" |
Aggression I-Sunny Day, 1993Bill Hosterman Lithograph I: 17.5" x 25" P: 22" x 29" | Curtain and Leaves, 1978Robert Kipniss Lithograph I: 24" x 18" P: 29" x 21.75" | Reminiscing, 1978Robert Kipniss Lithograph I: 23.5" x 18" P: 29" x 23" |
No Title, 1998Emma Amos Paper lithograph I: 11.75" x 9" P: 18.5" x 12" | Bootstraps, 1997Emma Amos Paper Lithograph with hand coloring I: 12.5" x 17" P: 22" x 26" | Greenpoint, 1991Isabel Bigelow Lithograph I: 8.75" x 11.75" P: 11" x 15.25" |
No Title, 1987Jackie Felix Lithograph with hand coloring I: Bleed P: 12" x 15.5" | No Title, 2010Jackie Felix Lithograph I: 10.5" x 17.75" P: 15.25" x 20" | Bobby Sox Stop, 1984Sarah Brayer Lithograph I: 12.75" x 19.25" P: 16" x 23" |
No Title, 2005Ann Chernow Lithograph I: Bleed P: 29.5" x 21.5" | Still Life, 2015Sandra Constantine Lithograph with monotype I: 10.5” x 7.25” P: 15” x 11.5” | George, Asleep, 2019Sally Camp Paper lithograph, collagraph I: 10.5” x 8.5” P: 14” x 11” |
Double Entrandre, 2005Minna Resnick Xerox Lithograph I: 9.75” x 13.75” P: Bleed | Runaway, 2003Mitchel Friedman Polyester plate lithograph, etching I: 6” x 9” P: 11” x 15” | I SHOULD HATE YOU, BUT I GUESS I LOVE, 2016Elena Wise Paper lithograph with monotype I: 8.5” x 11” P: 11” x 14” |
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