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Full Circle:
Teaching, Creating, and Curating
Curated by Bill Hosterman
This exhibition brings together the sabbatical work of Prof. Bill Hosterman and his curatorial selection from the K. Caraccio Print Collection in New York City.
On View:
Grand Valley State University, MI
Haas Center for the Performing Arts, Allendale Campus
January 12 - March 29, 2024
Reception: Thursday, January 18, 2024, 5 PM - 7 PM

Lev Alimov, 1949-
"Born in Mask,” 1992, AP (2nd ed), Aquatint
Image: 7.5" x 5.75", Paper: 10” x 8"
Printer & Publisher: Artist
Image: 7.5" x 5.75", Paper: 10” x 8"
Printer & Publisher: Artist

Emma Amos, 1938-2020
"Twined Flowers", 2009, PP (ed. 50)
Aquatint with pochoir, chine collé and hand coloring
Image: 15.5" x 13.75", Paper & size: Saunders Waterford, 15.5" x 13.75", Printer & plate maker: K. Caraccio, Publisher: Emory University Library
Aquatint with pochoir, chine collé and hand coloring
Image: 15.5" x 13.75", Paper & size: Saunders Waterford, 15.5" x 13.75", Printer & plate maker: K. Caraccio, Publisher: Emory University Library

Will Barnet, 1911-2012
"The Robe", 2006, Workshop Proof (ed. 15), Aquatint
Image: 12.25" x 13.25", Paper & size: Somerset, 19" x 19.25”, Printer: K. Caraccio, Publisher: Artist
Image: 12.25" x 13.25", Paper & size: Somerset, 19" x 19.25”, Printer: K. Caraccio, Publisher: Artist

Romare Bearden, 1911-1988
"The Train" (on verso), 1974-75, Viscosity printed etching/aquatint and photo engraving (ed.
175), Image: 17.5" x 22.25", Paper & size: Arches, 17.5" x 22.25”, Printer: K. Caraccio, Print shop: The Printmaking Workshop Inc., Publisher: Alex Rosenberg Fine Arts
175), Image: 17.5" x 22.25", Paper & size: Arches, 17.5" x 22.25”, Printer: K. Caraccio, Print shop: The Printmaking Workshop Inc., Publisher: Alex Rosenberg Fine Arts

Bill Behnken, 1943-
"Counterpoint", 1999, Hand-rocked mezzotint, PP (2/2) (ed. 25), Image: 8" x 12", Paper & size: German Etching, 15.5" x 19", Printer: K. Caraccio, Publisher: Artist

Isabel Bigelow, 1966-
"Red Sky", 2002, Monotype, Image: 20” x 30”, Paper & size: Rives BFK, 20” x 30”, Printer , Publisher: Artist

Camille Billops, 1933-2019
"I Am Black, I Am Black, I Am Dangerously Black", 1973, Relief printed etching, BAT, Image: 11.75" x 17", Paper & size: Arches, 22.25" x 26.5"
Printer: K. Caraccio
Publisher: Artist
Printer: K. Caraccio
Publisher: Artist

Bob Blackburn,1920-2005
"Organic Things", 2002-03, Viscosity Etching, EV XXVIII, Image: 13.75" x 14", Paper & size: Arches, 22.25" x 23", Printer: K. Caraccio, Publisher: Artist and K. Caraccio

Paul Brach, 1924-2007
"Rimrock #4", 1978, Steel aquatint with leafing, AP (ed. 20), Image: 21.5” x 28”, Paper & size: Arches with variegated copper leaf, bleed, Printer: K. Caraccio, Publisher: Orion

Brodsky & Utkin
"Diomede II", 1989/1990, Etching, AP (ed. 20), Image: 11.25” x 7”, Paper & size: German Etching, 21” x 15.25”, Printer: K. Caraccio, Publisher: Ronald Feldman Fine Arts

Scott Campbell, 1976-
"NOT TODAY" (in the plate), 2010, Tattoo gun drypoint, PP (ed. 11), Image: 17.75” x 12”, Paper & size: Saunders Waterford, 22.5” x 15”, Printer: K. Caraccio, Publisher: Artist

Kathy Caraccio, 1947-
"Dutch Rose I", 1972, Etching-Collage, Unique, Image: 11” x 11”, Paper & size: mixed papers, 22.25" x 22.25", Printer/collagist: K. Caraccio

Ana Collazo, 1953-
"One, Two, Three, Beat of the Music", 2012, Viscosity etching, AP (2/3), Image: 12” x 15.75”
Paper & size: Rives BFK, 15” x 19”, Printer: K. Caraccio, Publisher: Artist
Paper & size: Rives BFK, 15” x 19”, Printer: K. Caraccio, Publisher: Artist

Yvonne Jacquette, 1934-2023
"Mixed Heights" (on verso), 2002, Woodcut, PP (1/2), Image: 24” x 20”, Paper & size: Okawara, 24” x 20”, Printer: Chris Erickson, Publisher: Artist

Robert Kipniss, 1931-
"Clear Vase & Landscape" (on verso), 1995, Mezzotint, WP (on verso) (ed. 75), Note: “for Kathy, the primo printer”, Image: 9.5” x 14”, Paper & size: Arches, 15” x 20”, Printer: K. Caraccio, Publisher: Artist

Kathe Kollwitz, 1867 - 1945
Untitled, (Women with Folded Hands) on verso, 1931, Etching drypoint, Image: 11.25” x 9”, Paper & size: Buff, 18.5” x 14.75”, Note: unsigned, Berlin blind stamp

Enrique Leal, 1997-
"Red submerged abstraction" (on verso), 1916, Silk Aquatint, AP (ed.11), Image: 10.5” x 8”, Paper & size: Rives BFK, 15” x 11.25”, Printer and publisher: artist

Frederick Mershimer, 1958-
"Toyland", 1995, Color, Mezzotint, PP (ed. 90), Image: 5” x 5.5”, Paper & size: Rives BFK, 10” x 10”, Printer: K. Caraccio, Publisher: artist

Thomas O’Donoghue-Ros, 1942-
"Machinomanations de la Fleur", 1982, Aquatint with engraving, Image Size: 15.5” x 19.75”, Paper & size: Fabriano Classico, 26.5” x 22”, Note: For K
Printer: K. Caraccio, Publisher: Hugh McKay Fine Arts
Printer: K. Caraccio, Publisher: Hugh McKay Fine Arts

Michael Pelletieri, 1943-
"Winter", 1980, Aquatint, A/P, Image: 19.75” x 27.5”, Paper & size: German Etching, 27” x 34.5”, Printer & Publisher: artist

Merle Perlmutter, 1936-
"Time and Again", 3/150, Silk soft ground with spit bite intaglio, Image: 26” x 17.5”, Paper & size: Dutch Etching, 30” x 22”, Printer & Publisher: artist

Adam Pitt, 1959-
"Wave", 2023, Intaglio and relief woodcut, AP (ed. 20), Image: 11” x 18.5”, Paper & size: Moriki navy blue, 17.5” x 25”, Printer: K. Caraccio, Publisher: Artist

Krishna Reddy, 1925-2018
"Life Movement" (on verso), 1972, Viscosity Etching, (39/75), Image: 11.75” x 20”, Paper: & size: Arches, 22” x 30”, Printer & publisher: AD GRAPHIC

Tanja Softic, 1966-
"Hold and Flow", 2002, (29/35), Image: 14” x 26”, Paper & size: Inomachi, 19.25” x 30”, Printers: K. Caraccio and Tanja Softic, Publisher: Artist

Ann Tanksley, 1934-
"Salt and Pepper" (on verso), 2001, Aquatint, BAT (ed. 6), Image: 9” x 6”, Paper& size: Rives BFK, 11” x 15”, Printer: K. Caraccio, Publisher: Artist
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